News | March 4, 2019



We’re heading west, but instead of searching for gold, we’re sharing some cybersecurity nuggets. From now, until 8 March, NSA will be at the Moscone Center in San Francisco during the 2019 RSA Conference.


The theme for this year’s conference is simply, ‘Better.’ It's a one word challenge to the cybersecurity community to make the digital world a more secure place and to be a driving force in the changes we wish to see.


Our presence will be headlined by the release and demonstration of two NSA open source software tools, Ghidra and the Host Integrity at Runtime Startup (HIRS). Ghidra is a massive step forward in cybersecurity as reverse engineering framework processes that were formerly unobtainable due to cost are now free to use. For consumers concerned with Supply Chain Risk Management, HIRS can act as an “Acceptance Test” for new components. HIRS works to certify the components of the computer at startup to validate all parts are genuine, original, and free of malware and malicious activity.


But we’re bringing more than software releases, with a fireside chat from NSA Director General Paul Nakasone along with presentations from NSA’s Senior Cybersecurity Advisor Rob Joyce and Deputy National Manager Marianne Bailey.


Visitors to our booth at RSA (#1753-South Hall) can also participate in activities, learn more about NSA technology, and meet the people who make it happen. Booth highlights include:  


  • NSA’s Codebreaker Challenge,
  • our flexible circuit board,
  • Technology Transfer Program info,
  • an Enigma Machine,
  • the now notorious cell phone charging station.


We hope you’re able to join us as we explore challenges facing cybersecurity and work together to build a ‘Better’ cybersecurity future.



Looking for more information on cybersecurity? Check out NSA’s cybersecurity page.