Mathematical Sciences Program Sabbaticals

Each year, some of the nation's leading mathematicians take on an extraordinary challenge--they go to work for the National Security Agency. NSA's Sabbatical Program in Mathematics offers an opportunity to work on a short-term basis with the leading employer of mathematicians in the United States. A sabbatical tour offers a personal challenge to develop skills in directions that would be impossible anywhere else.

Sabbatical employees have the choice to work on a variety of different mathematical problems during their stay at NSA. Sabbatical work may involve cryptology, signals analysis, algebra, probability, statistics, number theory, discrete mathematics, or analysis of data sets, among other topics. Throughout the course of a one-year sabbatical detail, a mathematician would typically have the chance to work in one or two different offices at the NSA in order to experience the full breadth of our work at the Agency. History shows that visiting mathematicians quickly learn and contribute to problems under study, even when the problem areas are unfamiliar.

Frequently Asked Questions

For More Information, contact the Program Director or the Program Administrator through the contact information on the Mathematical Sciences Program page.

The NSA is an equal opportunity employer.