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Tag: Cybersecuirty

Oct. 15, 2020

Securing Your Home Office

Throughout the past year, home offices have become the new norm for many U.S. Government employees. This represents new opportunities and efficiencies—plus, who doesn’t love taking calls in your sweats?! But with increased flexibility comes increased risk. The rapid transition to telework is a hacker’s dream, so it’s important to make sure the

Jan. 29, 2020

U.S. Cyber Command, NSA Poised to Support U.S. Election Security

USCC's Brig. Gen. Hartman & NSA's Dave Imbordino participate in the University of Southern California "Election Cyersecurity Initiative" forum, Jan. 28, 2020.

Nov. 7, 2019

We're Not Bots - People Solving Hard Problems

Keppel Wood recently joined the new Cybersecurity Directorate as the Chief Operations Officer of the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center- 3C for short. “Your network is only as secure as its last patch or latest update, at speed,” says Keppel, who considers herself a computer nerd at heart.