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Tag: workforce

March 30, 2019

Leadership Through Storytelling

Growing up, Marianne Bailey’s father introduced her to the world of technology and told her she could be whatever she wanted to be. Over the years, she had many mentors, like her high school physics teacher, giving her that same message. A message she is passing on to future generations.

Nov. 22, 2017

NSA: Thankful for Our Dedicated Workforce

The National Security Agency is thankful for its many unsung heroes.

Nov. 22, 2016

NSA Professionals: A Calling and An Honor

At the National Security Agency, we thank the dedicated men and women who work around the clock to keep our nation safe.

Nov. 24, 2015

NSA Employees: A Calling and An Honor

This November, NSA employees tell why they see working at NSA as a calling and an honor.

Oct. 28, 2015

The Road to an Optimal Cybersecurity Workforce

The Road to an Optimal Cybersecurity Workforce - A Quick Perspective: Necessary Drivers, Possible Roadblocks, and Current Directions