C 130 Shootdown

On the 2nd of September 1958, Soviet MiG-17 pilots shot down a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance-configured C-130 aircraft over Soviet Armenia; 17 crewman were aboard. Below are the transcripts, reports, and audio files concerning the incident.

 MEETINGS-AT-STATE.PDFTwo Meetings at the Stat Department - 31 October and 13 November 1958
 INTERCEPT_RUSSIAN-AIR_COMMS.PDFTranscript 3: Intercept of Russian Air Comunications
 RADIOTELEPHONE-TRANSMISSIONS_2_RUSSIAN_PL.PDFTranscript 2: Radiotelephone Transmissions 2-Russian PL
 RADIOTELEPHONE_TRANSMISSIONS-RUSSIAN_PL.PDFTranscript 1: Radiotelephone Transmissions-Russian PL
 COMMUNICATOR_DEDICATION.PDFThe Communicator-Dedication of the Aerial Reconnaissance Memorial
 TRANSPORT-AIRCRAFT_TRANSCAUCASUS.PDFShooting Down of US C-130 Transport Aircraft in the Transcaucasus
 COMINT_REPORT.PDFShoot-Down of a USAF C-130 by Soviet Aircraft on 2 September 1958-COMINT Report
 SHOOT_DOWN_C-130_BY_SOVIET_AIRCRAFT.PDFShoot-Down of a USAF C-130 by Soviet Aircraft on 2 September 1958
 SHOOT_DOWN_60528.PDFShoot Down of 60528
 RELEASE-OF-INTERCEPT.PDFRelease of Intercept Information on USAF C-130 Crash
 INTERCEPT_CREW_AFSS.PDFIntercept Crew of AFSS C-130 Aircraft Lost on 2 September 1958
 FIGHTER-COMMS.PDFFighter Air/Ground Communications
 COLD_WAR_RECON_SHOOTDOWN_60528.PDFCold War Reconnaissance and the Shootdown Of Flight 60528
 AIRBORNE-RECON.PDFAirborne Reconnaissance Incident History (1949-1960)
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