Cuban Missile Crisis

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 UNDATED_REVISED_DIRNSA_LISTS.PDFRevised DIRNSA lists of funnel msg recipients
 23_OCTOBER_SHKVAL.PDFShkval passed messages to Alantika
 PILOT_TRAINING_FEB_1.PDFSIGINT report on Cuban Pilot training in Czechoslovakia
 PILOT_TRAINING_JUNE_19.PDFSIGINT report on Cuban pilot training in Czechoslovakia
 24_OCTOBER_VESSEL_BOLSHEVIK.PDFSoviet cargo vessel Bol'Shevik Sukhanov alters course and is probably enroute back to port
 24_OCTOBER_VESSEL_KISLOVODSK.PDFSoviet cargo vessel Kislovodsk alters course to the North
 24_OCTOBER_VESSEL_URGENCH.PDFSoviet cargo vessel Urgench alters course and is probably enroute back to port
 23_OCTOBER_SOVIET_CARGO_VESSEL.PDFSoviet cargo vessel Ustyuzhna carrying on cargo operations in Cuban port of Hoa
 SOVIET_FREIGHTERS.PDFSoviet freighters scheduled to call Cuba in July 1961
 SOVIET_MERCHANT_SHIP.PDFSoviet Merchant ship Nikolaj Burdenko delivers military cargo to Cuba
 SPANISH_SPEAKING_PILOTS.PDFSpanish-Speaking pilots training at Trencin Airfield, Czechoslovakia, on 31 May 1961
 27_OCTOBER_SPOON_REST.PDFSPOON REST radars identified at three sites
 23_OCTOBER_SRETENSK.PDFSretensk passed message to Moscow radio
 23_AUGUST_STATUS_SOVIET_SHIPPING.PDFStatus of Soviet merchant shipping to Cuba
 9_JANUARY_STATUS_SUMMARY_ASA_OPS.PDFStatus summary for ASA operations
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