 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-196-001Post Guard Battalion (Lumpkin); 01/31/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-197-001Relief Fund photos (Robertson); 02/06/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-198-001Dance instruction by Malcolm Robertson (Salm); 10/02/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-199-001Rec. Advisory Council (Ebaugh); 03/03/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-200-001J. Williams, Photos of Conferees at the CANUKUS Conference held at NSS (Ebaugh); Front Row: Lieutenant Colonel G. C. Long, Major D. M. Grossjean, Commander Clive Loehnis, Rear Admiral J. N. Wenger, Gr. Captain D. M. Edwards, Brigadier J. H. Tiltman, Mr. E. M. Drake. Second Row: Mr. V. P. Keay, Mr. C. P. Collins, Commander J. C. Pratt, Lieutenant Colonel L. E. Sarantos, Lieutenant Commander A. R. Hewitt, Captain B. F. Roeder. Third Row: Mr. H. J. Dryden, Commander H. H. Ridler, Colonel R. G. Yolland, Lieutenant Colonel C. M. Townsend, Mr. T. J. Wilkins. Fourth Row: Inspector C. H. Bayfield, Dr. L. W. Tordella, Mr. A. W. Bonsall, Mr. D. Davidson, Mr. R. F. Packard, Mr. W. Millward, Mr. N. K. O'Neill, W/C F. W. Hudson; 3/31/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-201-001General Canine's son receiving commission; 04/01/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-202-001Mary J. Russ, Basketball Photos (Lumpkin); 1/15/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-203-001Barracks areas ready for inspection (Salm); 04/18/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-204-001Chief Sample, Navy Chapel Photos (Carlance); 4/6/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-205-001M.J. Russ, Softball Teams (Mattioli); 5/4/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-206-001M.J. Russ, opening of softball season (Ebaugh); Wenger; 5/4/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-207-001M.J. Russ, Men's Glee Club (Salm); 5/1/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-208-001M.J. Russ, Bridge Club (Salm); 5/6/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-209-001M.J. Russ, Men's Glee Club (Ebaugh); Bowling; 5/6/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-210-001M.J. Russ, Opening softball game of the Metro League (Salm); 5/20/1953
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