 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-249-001Management conference group (Salm); 12/03/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-250-001Security patrol soldier (Carlance); 12/04/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-251-001Opening game of girls' basketball (Ebaugh); 12/14/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-252-001Christmas toys collection (Ebaugh); 12/21/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-253-001Navy chapel; 12/21/1953
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-254-001New buildings and present facilities at NSA's future site at Fort Meade; 02/16/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-255-001McIntyre-Vint Hill (Carlance); Training Room; 03/02/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-256-001Officers' luncheon at AHS officers' club (Maloy); 02/26/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-257-001Lieutenant Pjlueger- Installation on a jeep (Van Dreal); 03/24/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-258-001Clausen - copy of the architects' drawings of the new site at Ft. Meade (Carlance); 03/25/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-259-001Claussen - housing interviews for Ft. Meade (Ebaugh); 04/01/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-260-001Millington - Library Space at NSS (Ebaugh); 04/09/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-261-001Millington - Library Space at AHS (Ebaugh); 04/09/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-262-001F.H. Rarick - Meeting and Lecture on housing (Maloy); 04/16/1954
 Historic Photograph of NSA and its Predecessor Organizations; See image description for specific informationHIST-263-001NSA's new site at Ft. Meade (Menhart); 04/15/1954
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