John F. Kennedy Assassination

Records Regarding the Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Under the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (Public Law 102-526), NSA is required to review all records relating to the assassination and provide copies to the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB). The Board, in turn, provides copies to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). NARA has over 170,000 records relating to the J.F.K. assassination of which only a small number originated with NSA. The documents listed are the ones released by NSA to date.

The documents marked with * and ** were released directly to NARA in 1993 by NSA prior to the formation of the ARRB. The documents preceded by ** were released under the FOIA in the late 1970's/early 1980's, and the copies of the documents appear as they were released to the FOIA requester(s) at that time. Documents released to NARA by the ARRB in August 1997 are indicated by #, documents released to NARA by the ARRB in January 1998 are indicated by ## and documents released to NARA by the ARRB in October 1998 are indicated by ###. XXXXX has been inserted in a title if a portion of the title was deleted prior to release.


 JFK00338.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Sends Condolences
 JFK00337.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Sends Condolences
 JFK00352.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Special Envoy to Funeral of President Kennedy
 JFK00317.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Suggestions for Statement on Outer Space Issue
 JFK00368.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Suggests XXXXX Sculpture for Kennedy Tomb
 JFK00320.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Arrive in Washington About Noon November 25
 JFK00342.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Attend Kennedy's Funeral
 JFK00330.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX to Attend President's Funeral
 JFK00290.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Unable to Attend Funeral
 JFK00340.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Urges Haste in Sending Delegation to Kennedy Funeral
 JFK00369.PDF### Cable - SUBJECT: XXXXX Would Like to Propose Nobel Prize for President Kennedy
 JFK00292.PDF### Condolences Re Death of President Kennedy
 JFK00247.PDF### FOIA/PA Request to NSA from Michael Ewing
 JFK00224.PDF### House Select Committee on Assassinations Request for NSA Material on Kennedy Assassination and related material
 JFK00254.PDF### Legislative Referral Memorandum - SUBJECT: Justice Proposed Substitute Re: SJR 282, Assassination Materials Disclosure Act of 1992
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