
The U.S. Army's Signal Intelligence Service, the precursor to the National Security Agency, began a secret program in February 1943 later codenamed VENONA

The mission of this small program was to examine and exploit Soviet diplomatic communications but after the program began, the message traffic included espionage efforts as well.

Although it took almost two years before American cryptologists were able to break the KGB encryption, the information gained through these transactions provided U.S. leadership insight into Soviet intentions and treasonous activities of government employees until the program was canceled in 1980.

The VENONA files are most famous for exposing Julius (code named LIBERAL) and Ethel Rosenberg and help give indisputable evidence of their involvement with the Soviet spy ring.

The first of six public releases of translated VENONA messages was made in July 1995 and included 49 messages about the Soviets' efforts to gain information on the U.S. atomic bomb research and the Manhattan Project. Over the course of five more releases, all of the approximately 3,000 VENONA translations were made public.

 3MAY_DEFECTOR.PDFKGB Search for Soviet Defector Kravchenko Continues
 16APR_FISHING_INSPECTOR.PDFKGB security concerns about a Soviet fishing industry inspector
 10FEB_BENES (1).PDFKGB Source in OSS Reports Views Eduard Benes, the Czech President
 10FEB_BENES.PDFKGB Source in OSS Reports Views Eduard Benes, the Czech President
 22JUN_US_GOV_PERSONALITIES.PDFKGB source provides data on US Government personalities 22 June (Release 3)
 8FEB_SCIENTIFIC_MATTERS.PDFKGB Sources I. and TALANT Report on Scientific Matters
 10MAR_KGB_TARGETS.PDFKGB targets emigres, clergy, Zionists, and Trotskyites 10 March (Release 3)
 6MAY_AIDA.PDFKGB to expand opportunities to report on & influence Jewish org. using agent AIDA
 9MAY_AUGUR.PDFKGB wants to meet AUGUR in Chicago
 20SEP_KGB_WEST_COAST_PORTS.PDFKGB work in various West Coast ports 20 September (Release 4)
 1NOV_SMUTNYJ.PDFKharon requests permission to sign on "SMUTNYJ" and to entrust case to MaZhOR 1 November 1943 (Release 4)
 18FEB_KHOZE_DANTON.PDFKhOZE asks DANTON to send a KNIGHT 18 February (Release 5)
 26DEC_KHOZE_KEDROV.PDFKhOZE, KEDROV 26 December (Release 5)
 17JUL_US_ARMY_QUESTIONNAIRE.PDFKIN (KEEN) will fill out US ARMY security questionnaire 17 July (Release 3)
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