Vietnam Prisoner of War/Missing in Action (POW/MIA) Documents

September 2014

On 13 July 1992, the Senate Select Committee on POW/MIA Affairs levied a task on NSA/CSS to review SIGINT reporting for relevance to the Vietnam POW/MIA issue and possible correlation to individual POW/MIA cases. NSA/CSS provided the Committee with three Correlation Studies, produced in August 1992, September 1993, and September 1996. Most of the information mentioned in these studies is chronologically organized by Reference Number (RefNo), which is listed as case #, and includes the incident date. The Department of Defense assigned RefNos to each incident in which there was the potential loss of life or capture. There are some entries without a RefNo or case #, but do have the incident date. The earliest incident is dated 1951 and the last 1988.

Over the next several months, NSA/CSS will post over 1600 additional documents related to POW/MIAs in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. The documents are NSA field site reporting, NSA end product, summary reporting, memoranda, watch officers notes, and analyst communications. For ease of searching, those documents will be accessible under links posted for each RefNo for which they contain pertinent information.

The correlation studies and the documents related to the incidents have been previously released under the FOIA in the past, but they have never before been posted together, facilitating access to families and historians. In addition, the documents have been reviewed using the most current guidance, making this release the most complete of any prior releases.


 OVER ISSUE OF U.S. CITIZEN MISSING IN LAOS 1994.PDFOver Issue of U.S. Citizen Missing in Laos 1994
 DOC_1586.PDFPathet Lao Claim 18 American Dead at Pha Thi (2052)
 PATHET LAO CLAIM 287 AMERICAN AIRCRAFT DESTROYED IN LAOS DURING 1967 0690.PDFPathet LAO Claim 287 American Aircraft Destroyed in Laos During 1967 0690
 PATHET LAO CLAIM 287 AMERICAN AIRCRAFT DESTROYED IN LAOS DURING 1967 0802.PDFPathet LAO Claim 287 American Aircraft Destroyed in Laos During 1967 0802
 PATHET LAO CLAIM 287 AMERICAN AIRCRAFT DESTROYED IN LAOS DURING 1967 0852.PDFPathet LAO Claim 287 American Aircraft Destroyed in Laos During 1967 0852
 PATHET LAO CLAIM 287 AMERICAN AIRCRAFT DESTROYED IN LAOS DURING 1967 0901.PDFPathet LAO Claim 287 American Aircraft Destroyed in Laos During 1967 0901
 PATHET LAO CLAIM AMERICAN PILOT CAPTURED 0505.PDFPathet Lao Claim American Pilot Captured 0505
 PATHET LAO CLAIM AMERICAN PILOT KILLED 0412.PDFPathet Lao Claim American Pilot Killed 0412
 PATHET LAO CLAIM AMERICAN PILOT KILLED 0413.PDFPathet Lao Claim American Pilot Killed 0413
 PATHET LAO CLAIMS ONE AMERICAN AND TWO SOUTH VIETNAMESE KILLED 0409.PDFPathet Lao Claims One American and Two South Vietnamese Killed 0409
 DOC_1585.PDFPathet Lao Communications Reflect Initial Reference to Pha Thi, Laos Situation (2052)
 DOC_1581.PDFPathet Lao Exploit Tha Thi Incident in Propaganda (2052)
 PATHET LAO PROPAGANDA CLAIMS NORTH VIETNAMESE DOWNING OF TWO AMERICAN F111 JET AIRCRAFT 1107.PDFPathet Lao Propaganda Claims North Vietnamese Downing of Two American F111 Jet Aircraft 1107
 PATHET LAO REPORT AMERICAN AIRCRAFT DOWN NEAR MUONG HOUN 0524.PDFPathet Lao Report American Aircraft Down Near Muong Houn 0524
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