Guided Tours
The Cryptologic Museum provides entertaining, fact-filled tours of the museum presented by current and former NSA personnel.  

All tours are recommended for high school through adult.  Younger audiences can arrange age-appropriate programming with our Director of Education. (Click here to view K-12 programming.)

Groups of six or more should schedule in advance using the form below, or call 301-688-5849, or email (Groups between 21-40 people will be broken into two separate groups touring concurrently.) Saturday tours may be requested, but they will be addressed on an individual basis due to minimal staffing.
  • American Cryptologic History Tour – presents the role, people, and machines of America’s cryptologic history through unique artifacts and stories – 60-90 minutes
  • Women in Cryptology Tour – focuses on the role of women in America’s cryptologic history from the American Revolution through today’s cybersecurity – 60 minutes
  • Advancing Technology Tour – illustrates through the exhibits and artifacts the intertwined relationship between cryptologic and technologic advances – 60 minutes (limited to 6-20 people)

Contact Information

Type of Tour Requested

Please pick only one

Date and Time of Tour Request (Museum is open Monday - Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)

Additional Information