NSA Cybersecurity Advisories & Guidance

NSA leverages its elite technical capability to develop advisories and mitigations on evolving cybersecurity threats.

Browse or search our repository of advisories, info sheets, tech reports, and operational risk notices listed below. Some resources have access requirements.

For a subset of cybersecurity products focused on telework and general network security for end users, view our Telework and Mobile Security Guidance page.

To read our complete series on protecting DoD microelectronics from adversary influence, view our DoD Microelectronics Guidance page.

ImageTitlePublication Date
 CTR-UEFI-SECURE-BOOT-CUSTOMIZATION-20200915.PDFUEFI Secure Boot Customization9/17/2020
 COMPROMISED_PERSONAL_NETWORK_INDICATORS_AND_MITIGATIONS_20200914_FINAL.PDFCompromised Personal Network Indicators and Mitigations9/17/2020
 PERFORMING_OUT_OF_BAND_NETWORK_MANAGEMENT20200911.PDFPerforming Out-of-Band Network Management9/17/2020
 HARDENING_NETWORK_DEVICES.PDFInfo Sheet: Hardening Network Devices (August 2020)8/18/2020
 CSA_DROVORUB_RUSSIAN_GRU_MALWARE_AUG_2020.PDFCybersecurity Advisory: Russian GRU 85th GTsSS Deploys Previously Undisclosed Drovorub Malware8/13/2020
 DDD-200804-085-006.PDFInfo Sheet: Limiting Location Data Exposure8/4/2020
 DDD-200730-216-040.PDFCybersecurity Advisory: Mitigate the GRUB2 BootHole Vulnerability7/30/2020
 DDD-200723-941-003.PDFAdvisory: Protect Operational Technologies and Control Systems against Cyber Attacks (July 2020)7/23/2020
 DDD-200716-080-004.PDFAdvisory: APT29 Targets COVID-19 Vaccine Development (July 2020)7/16/2020
 DDD-200716-666-047.PDFAdvisory: Patch Critical Vulnerability in Windows Servers using DNS Server Role (July 2020)7/16/2020
 DDD-200603-645-067.PDFTech Report: TENS Virtual Machine Guide (June 2020)6/3/2020
 DDD-200528-111-002.PDFAdvisory: Exim Mail Transfer Agent Actively Exploited by Russian GRU Cyber Actors (May 2020)5/28/2020
 DDD-200609-232-015.PDFInfo Sheet: Detect and Prevent Web Shell Malware (April 2020)4/22/2020
 DDD-200122-993-002.PDFInfo Sheet: Mitigating Cloud Vulnerabilities (January2020)1/22/2020
 DDD-200114-032-024.PDFAdvisory: Critical Crypto Vulnerability in Microsoft Windows 10 (January 2020)1/14/2020
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Additional Documents

Some guidance is protected and requires use of a DoD Common Access Card (CAC) to access. Visit https://cyber.mil/nsa/cybersecurity-advisories-and-technical-guidance/ to access the following and other protected documents:

  • Avoid Dangers of Wildcard TLS Certificates and the ALPACA Technique (FOUO version)
  • Protecting VSAT Communications
  • Quantum Security of Symmetric Cryptography and Hash Functions: A Review
  • Securing AWS S3
  • Security Considerations for Office 365 Government Customers