NSA News & Highlights

Tag: Tech Transfer

June 7, 2021

Linda Burger, NSA Director of the Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTA) elected Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) Executive Board Chair

During the 2021 Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) National Meeting, Linda Burger, Director of the NSA Office of Research and Technology Applications (ORTA), was elected to serve as the FLC Executive Board Chair, the organization’s highest elected position. She will serve a two-year term starting in October 2021.

Dec. 21, 2020

NSA Year in Review

The pandemic affected everyone this year, but our mission didn’t slow down. As our Director, GEN Paul Nakasone said, we “are one team, and each of us contributes our unique expertise to a mission that is all the more critical in times of crisis.”

July 9, 2015

NSA Shares Cyber Tool on Agency's Corporate GitHub Website

A National Security Agency cyber tool that allows computer systems to maintain a specific security posture is now publicly available on GitHub, a website for sharing source code - making it easier for other government organizations and private industry to adopt the tool to help fortify their networks against cyber threats.