NSA News & Highlights

Tag: preparedness

Oct. 29, 2015

Steve LaFountain (Dean of the College of Cyber) “ Building the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals

How prepared is the nation for the growing cyber threat against not just national security systems, but critical infrastructure and the economy?

Oct. 28, 2014

Transcript of Admiral Michael S. Rogers Keynote speech, "Sharing Cyber Threat Information to Protect Business and America" at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce event on October 28, 2014

Admiral Michael S. Rogers delivered the Keynote speech, Sharing Cyber Threat Information to Protect Business and America, at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce event on 28 October 2014 in Washington, D.C. The event was moderated by Ann Beauchesne, Vice President, National Security & Emergency Preparedness Department, U.S. Chamber of Commerce.