NSA News & Highlights

Tag: guidance

Jan. 18, 2023

NSA Publishes Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Security Guidance

FORT MEADE, Md. — The National Security Agency (NSA) published guidance today to help Department of Defense (DoD) and other system administrators identify and mitigate security issues associated with a transition to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

Dec. 13, 2022

ESF Members NSA and CISA Provide Threat Assessment, Best Practices for 5G Network Slicing

FORT MEADE, Md. — Today, Enduring Security Framework (ESF) partners, along with experts from the National Security Agency (NSA) and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), published their assessment of potential threats associated with 5G network slicing and strategies to help keep this emerging tech secure.

Nov. 17, 2022

ESF Partners, NSA, and CISA Release Software Supply Chain Guidance for Customers

FORT MEADE, Md. — The National Security Agency (NSA) and the Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) released Securing the Software Supply Chain for Customers today.

Oct. 31, 2022

ESF Partners, NSA, and CISA Release Software Supply Chain Guidance for Suppliers

The National Security Agency (NSA), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) released Securing the Software Supply Chain: Recommended Practices Guide for Suppliers today. The product is through the Enduring Security Framework (ESF)  — a public-private cross-sector working group led by NSA and CISA that provides cybersecurity guidance to address high priority threats to the nation’s critical infrastructure.

Sept. 22, 2020

NSA Releases Cybersecurity Guidance “Selecting and Safely Using Multifactor Authentication Services”

NSA cybersecurity guidance on "Selecting and Safely Using Multifactor Authentication Services".