NSA News & Highlights

Tag: privacy

Feb. 3, 2015

Administration Releases Report on Presidential Policy Directive-28/Signals Intelligence Activities; NSA Releases Specific Procedures to Implement

The administration's new report on Presidential Policy Directive-28 (PPD-28) takes a look at ongoing reform efforts related to U.S. Signals Intelligence activities and efforts to examine and enhance the civil liberties and privacy protections embedded in those activities.

Oct. 7, 2014

NSA Releases Second Transparency Report: NSA's Civil Liberties and Privacy Protections for Targeted SIGINT Activities Under Executive Order 12333

Today NSA released to the public its second civil liberties and privacy report.

April 18, 2014

National Security Agency, Civil Liberties and Privacy Office Report

Link to document providing unclassified overview of NSA's implementation of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Section 702.

Jan. 29, 2014

NSA Announces New Civil Liberties and Privacy Officer

2014 Press Release