CHICAGO, Il., October 14, 2018 –
Recruiting talented people with disabilities is a priority at the National Security Agency, which relies on a wide range of employees to help keep the nation safe, Dr. Harvey Davis, NSA's Director of Installations and Logistics, told 300 participants at this year's Disability Mentoring Day National Launch at Malcolm X College.

Dr. Harvey Davis speaking at event.
"Remarkable people with remarkable skills are the heart of the National Security Agency," he said in an interview before his presentation here. "NSA's work environment allows all employees to have productive careers."
Dr. Davis urged the students to obtain engineering, math, and foreign language skills, which are highly sought in both the public and private sectors. Moreover, he stressed the importance of setting goals and being a lifelong learner.
In 1988, Congress designated October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month. NSA's related efforts run deep and wide - with activities that include disability career invitationals, programs that give disabled workers assistance to support their needs on the job, and initiatives to attract wounded warriors who are interested in NSA careers.
Disability Mentoring Day is organized annually by the American Association of People with Disabilities. A kick-off event is held in a jurisdiction chosen for its achievements in this area. The Chicago Mayor's Office for People with Disabilities has a stellar track record, the association said, also noting NSA's accomplishments.
NSA was recognized in 2010 as the U.S. Defense Department's "best intelligence component" in the employment of people with disabilities. "They are among the exceptional individuals who help us carry out our mission to defend vital networks, save lives, and exploit the foreign communications of adversaries," Dr. Davis said.
Information about careers at NSA is available online at