Technical Papers and Brochures

 MEETING-CRITICAL-SECURITY-OBJECTIVES-WITH-SELINUX-ABSTRACT.PDFMeeting Critical Security Objectives with Security-Enhanced Linux AbstractSELinux Documentation; Published in the Proceedings of the 2001 Ottawa Linux Symposium.
 2007-USING-GCONF-AS-EXAMPLE-PAPER.PDFProgress toward Quantum Communications Networks: Opportunities and ChallengesSELinux Documentation; Published in the Proceedings of the 2007 SELinux Symposium.
 PROGRESS-TOWARD-QUANTUM-COMMS-NETWORKS.PDFProgress toward Quantum Communications Networks: Opportunities and ChallengesAuthor(s): R J Runser, T Chapuran, P Toliver, N A Peters, M S Goodman, J T Kosloski, N Nweke, S R McNown, R J Hughes, D Rosenberg, C G Peterson, K P McCabe, J E Nordholt, K Tyagi, P A Hiskett, and N Dallmann
 SECURING-THE-X-WINDOW-SYSTEM-WITH-SELINUX-REPORT.PDFSecuring the X Window System with SELinuxSELinux Documentation; A technical report that describes a design for integrating flexible mandatory access controls into the X Window System.
 SECURING-THE-X-WINDOW-SYSTEM-WITH-SELINUX-ABSTRACT.PDFSecuring the X Window System with SELinux AbstractSELinux Documentation; A technical report that describes a design for integrating flexible mandatory access controls into the X Window System.
 FLASK-SECURITY-ARCHITECTURE-PAPER.PDFThe Flask Security Architecture: System Support for Diverse Security PoliciesResearch Papers & Technical Reports
 FLASK-SECURITY-ARCHITECTURE-ABSTRACT.PDFThe Flask Security Architecture: System Support for Diverse Security Policies AbstractResearch Papers & Technical Reports
 THE-INEVITABILITY-OF-FAILURE-PAPER.PDFThe Inevitability of Failure: The Flawed Assumption of Security in Modern Computing EnvironmentsResearch Papers & Technical Reports
 THE-INEVITABILITY-OF-FAILURE-ABSTRACT.PDFThe Inevitability of Failure: The Flawed Assumption of Security in Modern Computing Environments Abstract.PDFResearch Papers & Technical Reports
 OPTICAL-NETWORKING-FOR-QUANTUM-KEY-DISTRIBUTION.PDFThe Optical Networking for Quantum Key Distribution and Quantum CommunicationsAuthor(s): N A Peters, P Toliver, T E Chapuran, R J Runser, S R McNown, C G Peterson, N Dallmann, R J Hughes, K P McCabe, J E Nordholt, K T Tyagi, J Jackel, M S Goodman, L Mercer, and H Dardy
 SLIDING-SHORTEST-PATH-ALGORITHM.PDFThe Sliding Shortest Path AlgorithmResearch Papers & Technical Reports
 DAMPING-OF-QUANTUM-HARMONIC-OSCILLATOR.PDFUnderstanding the damping of a quantum harmonic oscillator coupled to a two-level system using analogies to classical frictionAuthor(s): M. Bhattacharya, M. J. A. Stoutimore, K. D. Osborn, and Ari Mizel; This paper has been submitted to the American Journal of Physics.
 2007-USING-FLASK-TO-FACILITATE-RISK-ADAPTABLE-ACCESS-CONTROLS-PAPER.PDFUsing the Flask Security Architecture to Facilitate Risk Adaptable Access ControlsSELinux Documentation; Published in the Proceedings of the 2007 SELinux Symposium.
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