Step 1: Pre-Evaluation
A. Begin by getting the appropriate requirements
B. Check for compliance
C. Does it support requirements?
1. If yes, continue to Step 2: Submittal
2. If no, Stop
Step 2: Submittal
A. Develop submittal documents
B. Submit to NSA/CSS
C. MOA/Appendix A process
1. If accepted, proceed to item D in this submittal process.
2. If no, update submittal and re-start item C in the submittal process.
D. Vendor send equipment
1. If received equipment, proceed to Step 3: Evaluation Pending.
2. If did not receive equipment, return to item D in the submittal process.
Step 3: Evaluation Pending
A. If equipment was received and is ready for testing by NSA/CSS, proceed to Step 4: Testing.
B. If equipment was not ready for NSA/CSS testing, wait until equipment is ready for testing.
Step 4: Testing
A. Evaluation Testing
B. If testing completed, proceed to Step 5: Analysis.
C. If testing incomplete, begin item A again in the testing process.
Step 5: Analysis
A. Review test results
B. If test passed, proceed to Step 6: Finalization.
C. If test failed, proceed to Step 6: Finalization.
Step 6: Finalization
A. Ship equipment to the vendor
B. End process.