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Cyber Security Awarness Month


As we observe the thirteenth National Cyber Security Awareness Month, it is important not only to reflect on how much progress we have made, but also to remember there is much more work to be done to protect cyberspace and increase cyber security awareness.  NSA21 is enabling NSA to prepare for potential threats to cyber security over the coming decade and to successfully continue its mission to defend and protect national security networks.  We will remain postured to anticipate potential threats and to thwart active attacks. 

NSA, along with the rest of the U.S. Government, including our partners such as the Department of Homeland Security and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is committed to working regularly with our allies, academia, and industry to raise cyber security awareness while protecting individuals' privacy and civil liberties.  Cyber security is one of the Nation’s critical national security priorities, and everyone must play a role.  Throughout October, there will be multiple opportunities to learn about cyber hygiene, participate in events, and acquire tips you can share with friends and family. Activities are organized by the following weekly themes:

  • Week 1 -- Everyday Steps Toward Online Safety with Stop. Think. Connect.TM
  • Week 2 -- Cyber from the Break Room to the Board Room
  • Week 3 -- Recognizing and Combating Cybercrime
  • Week 4 -- Our Continuously Connected Lives: What’s your App’-titude?
  • Week 5 -- Building Resilience in Critical Infrastructure

For more information visit the Department of Homeland Security website. Click Here

Admiral, U.S. Navy
Commander, U.S. Cyber Command
Director, NSA