Our Vision

NSA’s Cybersecurity Collaboration Center’s vision is to harness the power of industry partnerships to prevent and eradicate foreign cyber threats to National Security Systems (NSS), the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB).


The Cybersecurity Collaboration Center is NSA’s groundbreaking hub for engagement with the private sector.  The Center is designed to create an environment for information sharing between NSA and its partners and to combine our respective expertise, techniques, and capabilities to secure the U.S.’s most critical networks. These collaborative relationships leverage the unique strengths of both government and industry, and represent a vital part of a whole-of-nation approach to cybersecurity.

What we do:

Detect – Find the adversary by leveraging intelligence leads, commercial data, and bi-directional threat sharing with industry partners.

Innovate – Create new tradecraft for discovering and tracking adversaries who pose a threat to NSS, DoD, and DIB networks.

Mitigate – Develop, share, and amplify mitigation guidance to NSS, DoD and DIB by sharing cybersecurity advisories, standards, and indicators of compromise.

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At the Center, NSA establishes collaborative relationships with private industry to achieve the collective outcome of detecting and defeating cyber adversaries targeting the NSS, DoD, and DIB networks.

Defense Industrial Base & Technology/Cybersecurity Providers

NSA develops partnership with private industry to understand, expel, and respond to cyber threats together. 

Enduring Security Framework

NSA co-leads, with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a public-private forum to address threats and risks to the security and stability of the NSS and DIB.

Learn more about Cybersecurity Partnerships 

To protect the Department of Defense’s most critical information, NSA provides direct cybersecurity assistance to DIB entities designed to identify, mitigate, and thwart threats to their networks.

To learn more about these cybersecurity services, email DIB Defense.  


As the U.S. Government relies increasingly on commercial products to secure systems that carry classified or otherwise sensitive information, NSA works to partner with vendors to ensure security requirements are built into development processes.

Center for Cybersecurity Standards
NSA’s Center for Cybersecurity Standards supports collaboration with industry to ensure U.S. Government cybersecurity requirements are included in the standards for a more secure future. These standards enable interoperable IT solutions and mitigate security challenges across networks.

Learn more about Cybersecurity Standards. (https://www.nsa.gov/What-We-Do/Cybersecurity/Partnership/Standards/

National Information Assurance Program (NIAP)
NIAP oversees the evaluation of commercial information technology (IT) products for use in National Security Systems (NSS)

Visit NIAP to learn more. (https://www.niap-ccevs.org/)

At NSA, we don’t just preach partnership - we practice it. Here are a few ways the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center is sharing our insights with the Department of Defense, Defense Industrial Base, National Security Systems, all in an unclassified setting.

NSA Cybersecurity Collaboration Center Speaker Series:

In this speaker series, NSA experts will share insights, lessons, and contributions of their cybersecurity work. You can view episodes on NSA’s YouTube. (link)

ESF Potential Threat Vectors to 5G Infrastructure:

5G poses opportunities and risks to our critical infrastructure. Review the full threat assessment from Enduring Security Framework

For more critical cybersecurity information and insights from NSA Cybersecurity and the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center, follow us on Twitter @nsacyber


Get in touch!

Are you interested in learning more about the Cybersecurity Collaboration Center and how we can support one another to deliver better, more holistic cybersecurity outcomes for the nation?

Email us today